Transformative Dialogue: Building Alliances for Peace in a Rapidly Changing World

The International Dialogue Centre – KAICIIDis convening the KAICIID Global Dialogue Forum on 14-16 May 2024, building on its twelve years of creating dialogue platforms to address some of the most pressing global challenges. At the core of this Global Forum is the commitment to use transformative dialogue as a powerful mechanism to harness human dignity and foster global solidarity, particularly in the area of peace building, inclusive cities and climate change. This Global Forum is an exclusive gathering of select influential leaders from decision-making institutions, both secular and religious, to dialogue and strategise together to develop inclusive partnerships that emphasise the holistic and interconnected nature of some of the major challenges we face today.

Thematic Priorities of the Forum:

Human Dignity and Transformative Dialogue

Human dignity and transformative dialogue are intrinsically linked concepts at the core of KAICIID's mission and the Global Forum, emphasising the inherent worth of all individuals and the power of dialogue to bridge differences. Human dignity, recognising every person’s value irrespective of their background or beliefs, lays the groundwork for human rights and mutual respect, enabling the meaningful exchange of ideas and beliefs. Transformative dialogue builds on this foundation by fostering processes that promote an understanding of shared humanity, encouraging respect for diverse identities and beliefs, and facilitating cooperative relationships. By acknowledging human dignity, transformative dialogue enables individuals and groups to appreciate their differences and commonalities, fostering a world where diverse voices are heard and valued.

KAICIID’s transformative dialogue approach emphasises human dignity by fostering spaces where diverse voices – including religious, traditional and community-based – engage in meaningful exchange. This dialogue is a catalyst for shifting perspectives from division to mutual respect, building the foundation for peaceful, inclusive societies around the world. By acknowledging the intrinsic value of every human being, it promotes understanding across different cultures and beliefs, reinforcing the notion that recognising our shared humanity is essential for collective progress. In essence, transformative dialogue serves as both the means and the end, aiming to celebrate diversity and forge a world where human dignity is the cornerstone of every conversation and action.

Building and Preserving Dialogue and Trust

Peacebuilding is a process of creating sustainable peace by addressing the root causes of conflict and war, fostering conditions for positive change. When transformative dialogue approaches are utilised to build trust, various initiatives can be supported, from supporting  institutional reform to promoting social justice and economic recovery. Peacebuilding is particularly effective when tailored to local community needs, aiming to transform hostile attitudes and rebuild shattered societies over the long term. A transformational approach is looking in a holistic manner at prevention, mediation and post-conflict engagement. Effective peacebuilding involves collaboration among diverse actors including the UN and regional organizations, national governments and civil society, having women and young people included at the decision-making table.

Inclusive Cities

Cities are complex systems that bring together diverse communities to work, live and interplay. Considering the current urban growth – which will bring 5 billion people to live in towns and cities by 2030 – making cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable is the aim of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11, highlighting the important role urbanization plays in the global political agenda. According to the UN New Urban Agenda, inclusive cities are characterised by policies and programmes that better support underserved populations, improve systems for participatory and democratic planning and decision-making and provide equitable and affordable access to resources and opportunities.

Sacred Ecology

Sacred ecology refers to the idea that the natural world is an integral part of spiritual and religious life. It emphasises the inherent value of nature and its deep connections with the spiritual beliefs, practices and moral ethics of cultures worldwide. This perspective sees the Earth and its ecosystems as sacred entities deserving of respect and protection. Sacred ecology encourages a holistic approach, recognising the interconnectedness of all living beings and the environment. It also calls for actions that are consistent with sustainable practices, promoting harmony between human activities and the natural world, having in mind the well-being of current and future generations. This concept is increasingly important for faith communities to recognise their environmental conservation efforts, often leading to impactful initiatives grounded in deep spiritual commitments to the protection and preservation of any form of life.


The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) is an intergovernmental organization founded to promote intercultural and interreligious dialogue with the aim of fostering peace, preventing and resolving conflicts, and building understanding among communities from diverse backgrounds. KAICIID is the only intergovernmental organization with a Board of Directors made up of representatives from major world religions. Through its network of partners and supported platforms, KAICIID offers its convening power, dialogue facilitation skills, and capacity building expertise to promote social cohesion and build peaceful societies through intercultural and interreligious dialogue.

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